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Friday, March 23, 2012

Fitness Friday; join the April challenge

As you might have noticed, I haven't been the most committed gym visitor the past few weeks.. Ofcourse it has everything to do with the fact that I have been quite busy in the garden lately, but still it's an excuse.
So I decided to set myself a challenge; April is going to be a month filled with commitment and caring about my health and being conscious about it every single day. For me that means I will be going to the gym more often, take better care of my diet, drink more water than I do now and get more hours of sleep at night. And ofcourse I will blog about my progression! Because I know it's easier to stay at home and tell myself that I have much more important things to do than going to the gym, but that's not going to make me feel good. Right?
Recognize yourself too in this?

Then join me in the bloggers April health challenge! Grab the button on the right side bar and post it somewhere on your blog, so everyone can see that you're participating and make a plan that works for you and ofcourse blog about your progression! You can use the following questions to make it easier setting your goals :-) (And please reblog for your own readers :-)

  • What are your goals this month?
  • How are you going to achieve your goals?
  • What bad habits do you have to let go?
  • What does health mean to you?
Let me know if you're joining, so I can follow you too in your April health challenge! 


  1. Awesome idea! I suck at going to the gym, but I def have been trying to eat better!



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