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Thursday, February 9, 2012


I never thought I would say this one day, but I just started going to the gym this week! I always said that I hated the gym, but now I actually like it. It's not my intention to become super slim, but I stopped smoking 9 months ago and now I just want to get rid of all the extra weight that I gained because of stopping.
It's not that I'm overweight right now, but I already have been too heavy once and I really don't want to get back to that point again. One of the instructors at the gym made a schedule for me that fits my goals and now it's all up to me!
I'm very motivated, but still decided to search for some inspiration to keep me going :-)

1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5

Are you excercising too and what are your goals? Are you also interested in eating healthy food like me? Are you going to the gym or do you excercise in another way?


  1. hey Marlous, I'm turning into a sports addict these days. I was heavily overweight until I was 18 (I'm talking about more than 20 kilos too much) and have been on my path to a 'better me' as I like to call it since then. at 18 I just wanted to loose weight and did it the wrong way - I stopped eating almost entirely. not the way to go! I lost 15 kilos that way but felt like crap. since then I have been on a learning curve and eat healthy (and a lot). I eat 'clean' (google tosca reno if you're interested in that!) and put food into me every 3 hours. I work out 4-5 times a week and lift weights. I have never felt so good in my life as I have for the past year, it's incredible how energized I am, I never thought this was possible. I always wanted to be like these sporty and motivated peole but never believed I could do it. until one day, I just started. I'll never go back :)

    and good luck with the gym, getting my membership kind of changed my life, hope it does the same for you!

  2. Thanks for your response Paula! Clean eating has been an important part of my life for quite a while, I try to eat and cook as pure as possible. I didn't know about Tosca Reno though, so I'll definitely check that out, thanks!

  3. Haha I love the picture of the old man! I am not excercising at the moment.. I used to run most recently; last summer I ran half a marathon but after that I quit and never ran again :p

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